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Between Two Rocks and a Hot Place

Between Two Rocks and a Hot Place

I’ve had the phrase: “Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place” stuck in my head for a while, and had the idea to do this shot. Thanks to Abigail for posing, and for my friends Ralph and Alisha for the massive bonfire. We were at their house for...


One thing leads to another. Lighting dandelions on fire brought me to recognize the beauty of smoke. I used incense, and a black poster board for the background. One speed light was enough to light up the smoke without overexposing.
A Bird In The Hand

A Bird In The Hand

A photo illustration called “A Bird in the Hand”. This proverb refers back to medieval falconry where a bird in the hand (the falcon) was a valuable asset and certainly worth more than two in the bush (the prey). Other languages and cultures have their own...