Sometimes our feet are held to the fire by others, and sometimes we have to hold our own feet to the fire. I prefer to be in charge of my own two feet.
Another image from the series with Abigail Connolly. Featuring hot fire from my friend Ralph’s 40th birthday party, and cool clouds from a storm that blew through Guilford, Connecticut yesterday.
Thanks again to Abby for playing the part so well, and to Olivia Liebler for her arm strength. See the setup shots below.
Hello. Great pic our band came across your feet to the fire photo and we are looking for something like this for album cover art. Can you message us on what you would charge for something like this? Thanks
Hi Andy, my sincere apologies for not getting back to you about your request for a quote on an image like “Holding Your Feet to the Fire”. I’d like to blame Covid, but the truth is, I was just not paying attention to my website. I hope that you were able to find another image for your album cover. Best wishes, Irene