It was a packed night at the 37th Shoreline Arts Alliance IMAGES Show – Connecticut’s oldest annual juried photography competition and exhibition, where I’m happy to say, two of my images were accepted: Mobile Home and Wayward Hamster, which received an Honorable Mention.
There were 500 photographs submitted, from 35 towns across the state. Congratulations to the Award Recipients and my fellow photography friends who also made it into the show: Mark Battista, Donna Owens-Beeson, Kathy Radziunas, Cindy O’Neil, Ali McFadzen, Maria Scaglione, and Cathy Wilson Ramin for getting First Honors!
The three judges were: Charles Hagan, Paula Tongnarelli, and Paul Goodwin.
The show runs from March 25 through April 15, 2018, at the Mill Gallery in Guilford, CT. Upon the close of the show, about 40 works travel to CT Hospice for a month-long exhibition to be enjoyed by staff, patients, and families.

Mark Battista, Cindy O’Neil, Donna Owens-Beeson, Ali McFadzen, Irene Liebler, Kathy Radziunas

My model, Elsie showed up and got into her “pose” for “Wayward Hamster”.